In Kentucky, the state law dictates that water must be fluoridated. KRS 211.190 states:
Administrative Regulation 902 KAR 115:010 then details out how water fluoridation is to take place in Kentucky. Fluoridation is mandatory for community water supplies serving populations of 3,000 or more. A water system serving a population between 1,500 and 3,000 must provide supplemental fluoridation if adequate equipment is available. Those serving fewer than 1,500 users are not required to add fluoride."The cabinet shall provide public health services including:
(11) Establishment, maintenance, monitoring, and enforcement of water fluoridation programs for the protection of dental health."
This means that even if a community or water system in Kentucky wants to stop fluoridating the water, they have no choice. That's why a grassroots team of Kentucky citizens have come together to change Kentucky's law.
You can help by asking your State Senator and State Representative to support legislation to give control of water fluoridation decisions to local water producers.
Rep. Mark Hart has filed HB16 an act relating to water fluoridation programs. Click here to view the bill information.